Tom Petty が Billboard の最高位である「Century Award」を受賞
授賞式のプレゼンターは Green Day の Billie Joe Armstrong。TPは授賞式に出席してスピーチをしましたが、演奏はありませんでした。
授賞について TP は以下のように語っています。
“This award comes at a particularly nice time as the Heartbreakers and I go into the thirtieth year of our career. I’m very honored that Billboard has acknowledged me with this award.”
Billboard co-executive editor Tamara Conniff:
“Tom Petty is one of the true great singer/songwriters. Petty’s songs and lyrics go to the root of the American dream. For over 30 years, Petty has been a rock icon who continues to inspire new generations of artists. We are honored to present him with the 2005 Century Award.”
George Harrison, Buddy Guy, Billy Joel, Joni Mitchell, Carlos Santana, Chet Atkins, James Taylor, Emmylou Harris, Randy Newman, John Mellencamp, Annie Lennox, Sting, Stevie Wonder
Award ceremony
- date 2005. 12. 6
- placeMGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas
introduction by Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong
俺は音楽を愛してる。俺はロックンロールを愛してる。だから、俺はTom Pettyand the Heartbreakersを愛してる。
でも、もしTom Pettyから学んだことを一つだけ挙げろと言われたら、素晴らしい曲は時が経っても廃れず、いつまでも生き残るということだ。”American Girl” “Even the Losers” “Don’t Do Me Like That” “Free Fallin'” “The Waiting” “Runnin’ Down a Dream” “Learning to Fly” “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” “Here Comes My Girl” “You Got Lucky”などの曲で、Tom Pettyは、アメリカのラジオの暗黒時代においても、明かりを照らし続けた。しかも、これらの曲は全体のごく一部に過ぎないんだ。
Tom Pettyは、音楽が持つ希望を我々に与え続けてきた。それは我々を反映し、そして曲の中にあるより深い意味を見つけるべく我々に挑戦する。Tom Pettyの音楽は時を超越してる。それでは、これを見よう。
さて。もし、神に感謝するんだったら、Tom Petty のことを神に感謝しよう。ここに、Tom Pettyに Century Award を捧げます。
Hey. Hey. Hi, how are you doin’? I didn’t want to screw this up, so I wrote it down. And, here goes:
I love music, I love rock and roll, therefore I love Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
But if there is one thing I’ve learned from Tom Petty is that great songs never go out of style and live forever. Through the darkest ages of American radio, Tom Petty has been a beacon of light with songs like “American Girl,” “Even the Losers,” “Don’t Do Me Like That,” “Free Fallin’,” “The Waiting,” “Running Down a Dream,” “Learning to Fly,” “Mary Jane’s Last Dance,” “Here Comes My Girl,” “You Got Lucky” and that barely scratches the surface.
Tom Petty has given us hope in music that reflects and challenges us to find some kind of deeper meaning in song. Tom Petty’s music is timeless, so watch this right now.
[video presentation]
All right. So if you’re going to come up and thank God, thank God for Tom Petty. The Century Award goes to Tom Petty right now.
翻訳: Shigeyan
Tom Petty’s acceptance speech
来年は Heartbreakers と僕にとって30周年になるんだ。まず最初に言うべきことは、僕のバンド Heartbreakers、特に10代の頃から一緒にやってきた Mike Campbell と Benmont Tench…彼らなしでは僕は今夜この場所にいられなかったということだ。僕らは決していつも生真面目ではなかったけど、音楽の目的を見失うことはなかったんだ。
僕は長年に渡って多くの人々にサポートしてもらったから、その人たちに感謝しなくてはいけないね。素晴らしいプロデューサー… Denny Cordell、Jimmy Iovine、Jeff Lynne、Rick Rubin、George Drakoulias。そして結成当時からのマネージャー Tony Dimitriades、我々の母親代わりの Mary Klauzer。我々のロード・クルー Bugs Weidel、Jim Lenahan、Richard Fernandez… みんな最初の頃からずっと一緒にいてくれたんだ。それから、Warner Brothers Records にも感謝を。
終わる前に、常に僕のことを愛し支えてくれる僕の小さな家族に、簡単に感謝の言葉を。僕の子供たち、Adria、Kim、Dylan。そして人生のすべての時間を一緒に過ごしてくれて、いまだに良識のある僕の妻 Dana には特に感謝してる。
そしてもちろん、この賞を与えてくれた Billboard のみなさんにも感謝してるよ。この賞にふさわしいよう頑張って、これで終わりじゃないってことを言っておくよ。僕はまだまだやれるさ。それでは、幸運を祈るよ。
Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you all. Woo. I’m so nervous.
The new year will bring in the 30th anniversary of the Heartbreakers and myself and I think before I go any further I should say I wouldn’t be up here tonight without my band, the Heartbreakers — especially Mike Campbell and Benmont Tench, who I played with since I was a teenager. And we haven’t always been Boy Scouts, but we never lost sight of the music.
From time to time, I’m approached by strangers who say thanks for writing the soundtrack to my life and it makes me feel really honored that this music has lasted all this time and you still come out to see us and you still give us top 10 records and it means more to me than I can say.
I’ve had a large supporting cast through the years and I must thank them. The many great record producers, Denny Cordell, Jimmy Iovine, Jeff Lynne, Rick Rubin, George Drakoulis, and our manager since we started out, Tony Dimitriades and Mary Klauzer, our den mother. Our road crew all this time, Bugs Weidel, Jim Lenahan, Richard Fernandez, they’ve been there from the start. I’d also like to thank Warner Bros. Records.
And our truth has always been about the music. We never wanted to be in the gossip magazines and we never had an extreme interest in jewelry. It’s been my pleasure.
I have to say that the lion’s share of our success belongs to our fans. Every show has been a spiritual experience and I thank you for that.
Before I go, I must quickly thank my little family for loving me an supporting me all this time. My kids, Adria, Kim and Dylan, especially my wife Dana, who lives every minute of my life with me and is somehow still sane.
And of course I thank all of you at Billboard for giving me this award. I’ll endeavor to deserve it and may I remind you that this ain’t the end. I can still kick some ass. God bless you.
翻訳: Shigeyan